+ 91-9801963820, 9470279320, 8825330080
Development of farmer’s through livestock [ i.e. Poultry, Dairy, Pigree, Goatree and so on ] Fisheries development, water resource development, medical plant farming rehabilitation through agri-hort, forestry, integrated farming , patenting and organic forming through self help group [SHG] formation and management.
Women and child development programme, Environment, Panchayati Raj, Women and child rights, Campaign against female foeticides etc. We are raising fund through local contribution and member’s support to give development of the Society.
Child development programme, Environment, Living life, Women and child rights, Campaign against child work, Go to School etc. We are raising fund through local contribution and member’s support to give development of the Society.
Hurry Up ! Navneet Nari Vikas Manch Sahayog
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